You now have the key. Here is the cypher. Good luck.

Hycabvilbiix Zcly Zchuffs Ion – Xuguaym Ninufyx
Dofs 8nb, 2005
WFYPYFUHX, Ibci – Nblyy vixcym qyly xcmwipylyx nbcm gilhcha uznyl nby wbuch zclym ch u fiwuf hycabvilbiix qyly zchuffs jon ion. Qbcfy chpymncaunilm bupy syn ni xcmwfimy nby yruwn cxyhncncym iz nby pcwncgm, cn’m vyfcypyx ni vy Duwe uhx Gyfchxu Vyllchabyl, uhx nbycl ziolnyyh-syul-ifx mih, Xyhhcm.
Qbcfy uff inbyl lymcxyhnm qyly ypuwounyx muzyfs, ziol biomym uhx fiwuf mnily, Aiixguh’m Bulxquly, qyly wfucgyx vs nby zcly. Uh ymncgunyx ninuf iz xuguaym ch nby bohxlyxm iz nbiomuhxm iz xiffulm bum vyyh lyjilnyx.
“Nbun mnily qum ypylsnbcha C bux,” musm Buggihx Aiixguh. “C wuh’n cguachy fimcha u zugcfs, nbioab. Von vynqyyh sio uhx gy… C nbche nbun xyux ecx mnulnyx nby zcly. By qum ch gs mbij voscha fcabnyl zfocx nby inbyl xus. C mbiofx bupy qulhyx migyihy…”
Nby zclmn zcly vliey ion xolcha nby funy ypyhcha biolm iz Dofs 7nb hyul Qymn 47nb Mnlyyn uhx Iuefys Upyhoy ch Wfypyfuhx’m Mniwesulxm hycabvilbiix. Nby zcly luayx zil hyulfs nqyhns-ziol biolm, um nby zcly xyjulngyhn mnloaafyx ni jon cn ion. Yrjylnm uly muscha nby fuwe iz luch uhx ipyluff xls qyunbyl iz nby moggyl byfjyx wihnlcvony ni nby mjyyx un qbcwb nby zcly mjlyux.
Chpymncaunilm ih fiwuncih qyly myyh mwiolcha nby xymnlisyx vocfxcham, fiiecha zil uxxcncihuf vixcym, uhx uhs mcahm iz uwwyfyluhnm nbun gus bupy vyyh omyx ni mnuln nby zcly.
Qbcfy nby yruwn fiwuncih iz nby jichn iz ilcach cm mncff u gsmnyls, fiwuf yrjylnm uly fiiecha chni u jimmcvfy wihhywncih vynqyyh nbcm zcly, uhx u mnlcha iz inbylm ipyl nby jumn zyq syulm.
Cracked the code: the letters in the news article each represent another letter as we all know. Replacement sequence is easy. It’s a direct substitution of the letters of the alphabet. Cypher letters are in alphabetical order. Replacement alphabet goes in the same order with cypher U = solution A, V=B, W=C, X=D, Y=E, Z=F, and so on. Substitution is simple as the letters of the cracked code remain in straightforward order, just shifted.